Antenna can help you create your own web pages, and even manage an entire website, even if you do not know how to write HTML code. Since it is a WYSIWYG web editor, you do not need to worry about the positioning of the objects in the page, as they will appear in the browser exactly in the same place. This has the advantage of providing an immediate preview of all the changes you make.
Luckily, if you have not had proper training in visual design, there are nice themes to start from. The tool supports multiple types of objects, including pictures, rollover buttons, animated flash, and movies. Besides, they can be placed in different layers, which even support transparency.
As very convenient features, the program also lets you design your own buttons and use special effects, like animations, shadows, water and motion blur. Likewise, there is a CSS styles editor and a photo gallery creator. Not only that, the tool also supports creating multi-lingual websites. Similarly, it uses a responsive design for desktop and mobile browsers.
Antenna allows you to save your project as a single file, which helps preserve the integrity of the site by avoiding broken links due to accidental erasing or moving of the folders and files. Once you have finished your work, it is possible to publish the website. For this purpose, there is a built-in FTP publisher. In this respect, it is good news that you will not have to transfer all the contents every time you update your site because it supports uploading only those elements that have changed. more
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